dialogId("poh-v-biosila", "font_big", "Biological power. We should have thought about it earlier. We had every hint.")
dialogStr("Biologická síla. To nás mělo napadnout dříve. Všechno k tomu směřovalo.")
dialogId("poh-m-reaktor", "font_small", "And what was that nuclear power plant for?")
dialogStr("A k ─ìemu byl ten reaktor?")
dialogId("poh-v-automat", "font_big", "Can`t you see? It powers that Coca-Cola vending machine over there.")
dialogStr("Nevidíš? Napájí támhle ten automat na Coca-Colu.")
dialogId("poh-m-motor", "font_small", "And what about that motor?")
dialogStr("A co ten motor?")
dialogId("poh-v-tocit", "font_big", "It makes the level run around the display.")
dialogStr("Ten točí místností dokola po obrazovce.")
dialogId("poh-v-neuveri", "font_big", "Nobody is going to believe us.")
dialogStr("Tak tohle nám nikdo neuvěří.")
dialogId("poh-m-projekt", "font_small", "Maybe yes. FDTO works on a project to make use of bioenergy.")
dialogStr("Možná ano. FDTO má rozpracovaný projekt na využití bioenergie.")
dialogId("poh-v-zarizeni", "font_big", "We have to get out this device.")
dialogStr("Musíme dostat ven kus toho zařízení.")
dialogId("poh-m-sest", "font_small", "If I can see it correctly, it is composed of six parts.")
dialogStr("Pokud dobře vidím, skládá se ze šesti částí.")
dialogId("poh-v-klec", "font_big", "The cage in the middle is probably the most important.")
dialogStr("Nejdůležitější asi bude ta prostřední klec.")
dialogId("poh-m-dobre", "font_small", "Okay, we shall take this one.")
dialogStr("Dobře, tu vezmeme.")
dialogId("poh-v-forma", "font_big", "Look, there is some strange life form, over there. Shouldn`t we try to contact them?")
dialogStr("Hele, támhleto je nějaká zvláštní forma života. Nezkusíme navázat kontakt?")
dialogId("poh-m-princip", "font_small", "Our mission was clear - principles and construction of the interstellar propulsion. Not a single word about contact.")
dialogStr("Náš úkol zněl jasně - principy a konstrukce mezihvězdných pohonů. O kontaktu ani slovo.")
dialogId("poh-v-pomoct", "font_big", "Well. But they could at least help us.")
dialogStr("Tak dobře. Ale mohli by nám aspoň pomoct.")
dialogId("poh-m-dobryden0", "font_small", "Good afternoon, excuse me, please, couldn`t I loot your drive?")
dialogStr("Dobrý den, nezlobte se, nepomohl byste nám vybrakovat váš motor?")
dialogId("poh-m-dobryden1", "font_small", "Hmm, good afternoon sir, could I ask you to help us to dismantle your propulsion unit, please?")
dialogStr("Ehm, dobrý den, mohla bych vás požádat, abyste nám pomohl rozbít vaši pohonnou jednotku?")
dialogId("poh-v-ukol", "font_big", "Our goal in this level is to get out the cage with that animal.")
dialogStr("Naším úkolem v této místnosti je dostat ven tu klec s živočichem.")
dialogId("poh-m-pohadali", "font_small", "I have a feeling there was an argument between these two.")
dialogStr("Mám pocit, že ti dva se nějak pohádali.")
dialogId("poh-v-setkani", "font_big", "I never imagined that meeting aliens would look this way.")
dialogStr("Tak jsem si setkání s mimozemšťany nepředstavoval.")
dialogId("poh-m-sestra", "font_small", "And what did you expect? That they will kidnap your sister?")
dialogStr("A cos ─ìekal? ┼╜e unesou tvou sestru?")